John Deere JS36
This is a short review showing the specifications only for the John Deere JS36. If you would like the full review, visit the original page by clicking here. This is a 22-inch wide lawn mower machine suitable for most consumers’ lawns, with average size lawns. If you are mowing a large lawn and are interested in reducing the time it takes to mow your lawn, you may want to consider something wider that cuts a wider swath each time you cross the lawn. A wider lawn mower can save you a lot of time each week when you mow the lawn.
John Deere JS36 – comments
This particular lawn mower has 14 comments on the main page at the time of updating this post, most of them negative, with the exception of two comments. One owner loves his machine, and it seems to run well for him. The other semi-positive comment was from a lawn mower mechanic who ended up with this lawn mower from a customer. It turns out the lawn mower had never had the oil changed in it, there was water in the oil, and it was black. The engine was overheating, and it was hard to start and causing problems. Consumers should always provide the required maintenance for their lawnmowers regardless of the type that they own. The John Deere is no different.
As a lawn mower review website, we urge consumers to look after their equipment. Follow the owners’ manual instructions for changing the oil at least once a year and more often if you run the engine for long periods. If you take care of them, these engines will work for many years. We are not sure if this was the problem for the other owners with the negative comments; however, head off to the main site if you are interested in seeing their comments.
Refer to the main review page for additional comments by other readers.
- 190 cc or 11.6 cubic inch displacement
- 7-pound foot of torque Briggs and Stratton Engine
- 4-cycle side valve
- 22-inch steel deck
- 3 in 1 discharge
- 8-inch by 2-inch front, 9-inch by 2-inch back wheels
Engine: 190 cc or 11.6 cubic inch displacement,4 cycle side valve, Briggs and Stratton Engine
Propulsion: Variable speed, rear-wheel drive
Warranty: 2-year warranty
- Throttle control is fixed speed
- Operator presence
- Zone control
- Side discharge, mulch, rear bag 2.5 bushels
- One lever adjusts all four wheels
We decided to include a few comments about maintaining lawnmowers in this post. We are conditioned to change our cars’ oil every 3000 miles, so why do we not take care of our lawn mower engines? The answer seems to be that we will take our cars to the mechanic. It is easy to do, and we do not get our hands dirty. With a lawn mower, even if you want to take it to a mechanic, you will get your hands dirty just by lifting it into the car. Many people cannot lift this weight, so they don’t bother.
They could change the oil themselves; however, they would need the tools and would need to dispose of the oil properly. For many, it is easier to ignore it and hope for the best. The lawn mower engine will get hard to start, and it will begin to burn oil when it does start and will not run smoothly. Eventually, it will just quit because the oil in the engine has not been changed.
That’s our theory, and we wonder if people agree or disagree with this opinion.
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