Lawn Mowers

How much is lawn care service

How much is lawn care serviceThe only real way to find out how much is lawn care service is to ask a lawn care company to come and prepare a quote for the services that you need. In fact you really should be asking for a minimum of three quotes and comparing them before making a decision. Consumers will also want to request references from other customers. They should be verifiable to ensure that not only the price is good, but the level of service and the quality of service also meets your requirements. You also have to decide what services you will need and which services you will perform yourself.

The real cost of lawn care service depends on the size of your lawn. How often it will need to be cut. Whether you need the edges trimmed and all grass clippings disposed of. You may want to add fertilizer and weed control to the list of services to be considered along with raking of leaves and general care of shrubs and flower beds.

Many consumers are scared of hiring a lawn care service provider because they feel that they think it is going to cost too much or they will not be satisfied with the level of service and will be afraid of having to fire the provider. It is just business and these companies understand that some customers will not be completely satisfied with their service. However they do prefer that their customers will give them an opportunity to correct whatever problem there is before being terminated.

Document and use a Contract

This is the most appropriate method to manage contractors. Also to ensure that you obtain in this case the best lawn care services. Document everything in a contract. Each service should be listed, when the service will be completed. Make sure you include how often it will be provided. The quality level of the service along with any specific items that you feel should be included.

For example the grass will be cut once per week. A mulching lawn mower will be used and any grass clippings will be blown or swept off of driveways and walkways. This approach should be applied to edging, leaf and debris clearance. Any other service that is needed including fertilizer and weed control. If the service is not completed to your satisfaction and it is included in the contract then this can be discussed in the context of the contract.

Get to Know Your Contractor

Getting to know your lawn care service contractor is also a positive step to take. Explain details of what you are looking for, offer a coffee. Provide a reward to the folks that are actually doing the work in terms of a small bonus at the end of the month for work well done. Provide positive feedback to their boss will often go a long way towards being provided with superior service.

This may go against the grain for a lot of people. However we tip lots of people for doing good work, waitresses, bar tenders etc. Why not consider the same thing for people who provide lawn care services as well. Something to think about in terms of getting better lawn care service even if it costs a bit more.

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  1. xeriscape landscape design Says:

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