Lawn Mowers

Hard Fescue

hard fescue The scientific name for hard Fescue is Festuca ovina yar! It has improved tolerance to many other types of fine Fescues. Hard fescue can tolerate heat, drought, leaf spot, and dollar spot much better than many other grass types. It has one weakness compared to other types of fescue and that is that it is slower to establish itself compared to other grasses. Hard fescue also does well in shady areas provided that there is good drainage. Overly wet conditions do not help the grass, in fact, it does not do well in these conditions. It really does prefer dry conditions and has good drought tolerance.

Hard Fescue – Fertilizer Needs

The amount of fertilizer needed by this grass type is relatively low at .1 to .3 pounds of actual nitrogen per 1000 square feet of lawn. Fertilizer should be applied once per month for optimum results.

It does well for wearability, however, a path should be created if a walking path is needed. Mowing height should be from 1 inch to 2.5 inches in height. this grass type also does well when summer nighttime temperatures are moderate. Regular watering also helps in severe drought conditions.

This type of grass can also do well in shady areas. Allow it to grow longer in dry conditions to provide shade protection for the roots and prevent the grassroots from drying out and the ground from also drying out.


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