Lawn Mowers

Creeping Red Fescue

Creeping Red FescueThe scientific name for creeping red fescue is Festuca Rubra Rubra. It is often used as a component of bluegrass mixture blending well and supporting bluegrass. This Fescue grows well in shade conditions and also in drought conditions. It has a fine texture with a deep green color, preferred by many gardeners and homeowners. Its weakness is that it is susceptible to summer stress in moist fertile soils. It does very well in cooler seasons in dry shady areas. As a result, it has good drought tolerance. Let it grow a little longer and thicker during dry periods and the creeping red fescue grass will do very well keeping your lawn green looking over the dry period.

Creeping Red Fescue – Water Needs

It has good drought tolerance as previously mentioned and has low to medium fertilizer needs. Spread between .1 and .5 pounds over 1000 square feet to maintain a great looking lawn. It is slow to recover if damaged and does not do well if there is a lot of foot traffic. Mowing height should be 1.5 to 2.5 inches, longer during dry conditions.

This particular grass type is best adapted in the great lakes region, where summers are cool in higher elevations and coastal regions.

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