Lawn Mowers

Rough Bluegrass

Rough BluegrassRough Bluegrass is a cool season grass and goes by the scientific name of Poa Trivialis. It grows best in wet shady areas and is most often used in shady lawn conditions where it tolerates shade well.  One of the weaknesses is that it has a shallow root system and is easily dislodged. It also does not do well in drought conditions, especially with a shallow root system. It can also contaminate Kentucky bluegrass varieties in sunny locations. If you have a lawn with lots of shade from trees or other structures, then this could be the right grass type for your lawn if you live in the northern states or southern Canada.

Rough Bluegrass – Water Needs

This grass type needs lots of water and especially during dry seasons or drought conditions. The roots are shallow and will quickly dry out as the top surface of the soil dries out. You will need to water often.

Fertilizer needs are low to medium at .3 to .5 pounds per 1000 square feet per growing month. Wearability is poor due to the shallow root system and moist conditions. It will quickly deteriorate under dry conditions.  Mowing height is 1 to 2 inches, however, if kept longer it will prevent some evaporation especially in dry conditions.

Consumers can use this type of grass in shady areas. Especially if there is a lot of forest trees surrounding the property. The trees will also reduce the amount of evaporation as well which will protect the grass to some degree. We also suggest that high traffic areas be replaced with walkways of some kind to prevent an unsightly area forming of poor or dead grass. Various landscaping techniques can be used to find the right blend of Rough Bluegrass, shrubs, and walkways in these moist shady areas.

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